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Contact information

St-Elisabeth site - Uccle
02-614 20 00
St-Michel site - Etterbeek
02-614 30 00
Bella Vita Medical Center - Waterloo
02-614 42 00

Facts & figures


The becommunity Board of Directors of the Europe Hospitals is composed as followed:

  • Two Managing Directors: Mr Peter Fontaine and Dr Sebastian Spencer
  • Two members nominated by the KU Leuven: Prof. Paul De Leyn and Prof. Caroline Weltens
  • Two members nominated by the UCL: Ms Donatienne Grégoire and Prof. Jean Cyr Yombi
  • Two doctors nominated by the Medical Board: Dr Jan Benijts and Dr Vincent Mustin
  • 4 independent members: our President Mr B. van Lierde, our Vice-President Mgr Charles-Louis van Arenberg, Monsieur Philippe Lambrecht, Mr Jean-Noël Godin, Dr Caroline Verlinde en Dr Lieve Verplancke
  • One member nominated by the "Christelijke Mutualiteiten/ Mutualités Chrétiennes": Mrs Mieke Dolphens


Mr Peter FONTAINE - General Director - Chairman Executive Committe

Dr Sebastian Spencer - Medical Director - Vice-chairman/substitute

Mrs Anne CHARLIER - Financial Director 

Mrs Catherine FABRY - Chief Operational Officer

Mr Arnaud KAMP - Human Resources & Communication Director

Mr Lieven MANGELSCHOTS - Care & Quality Director

The Europe Hospitals in a nutshell (2022)

  • 2 hospitalisation sites: St-Elisabeth site and St-Michel site
  • 2 consultation sites: Bella Vita Medical Center and the external consultation Inkendaal
  • Staff 
    • Doctors: 384
    • Staff members: 1829

medical facts

  • Beds: 715
  • « One Day » beds: 130 (incl. dialysis)

Every year:

  • Consultations: 342.951
  • Admissions: 19.614
  • Medical One Day: 21.685
  • Surgery One Day: 8100
  • emergencies: 67.179
Communication Department
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