Physical medicine - Rheumatology
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About the physical medicine
Physical medicine is a branch of medicine that treat diseases that affect bones, joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons. Specialised doctors treat spinal pain, lower back pain, sciatic pain, and pains of the joints. Rheumatology focuses specifically on inflammatory rheumatism, such as rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis affecting the spine.
The unit provides medical care to hospitalised patients and day patients who produce a medical prescription.
Currently, new treatments are used to modulate inflammation and control this type of disease.
The rheumatologist also treats osteoporosis, which translates into decalcification of the bone, causing fractures of the femoral neck.
Our unit offers to provide medical care to patients using a wide array of treatments, from multidisciplinary revalidation with physical therapists and occupational therapists, to more modern treatments relying on biological agents administered at the day hospital.
Source: Team Physical medicine - Last update: 04/02/2020