+2A (geriatrics)
Team / contact information
Visiting hours
Welcome to the +2a unit!
The unit cares for patients aged 75 or more who require a specific healthcare approach owing to their frailty, to the presence of an active polypathology (several acute or chronic concomitant conditions) or to the presence of geriatric syndromes such as acute confusion, poor balance and falls, undernutrition, loss of autonomy, a combination of psychological and social factors...
The approach to treating such patients is both multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary. In addition to the healthcare provided, the patient receives nursing care, social care, kinesiotherapy, occupational therapy, psychological care, speech education, nutritional care, etc.
The purpose of this global healthcare is for the patient to resume, as quickly as possible, a sufficient level of autonomy and to improve his/her quality of life.
To achieve this, a project focusing on the patient is rapidly developed by the multidisciplinary team and the patient’s relatives (level of autonomy, psychosocial resources, etc.)
Upon your admission, please bring the following items, which we require to perform body care:
- Toothbrush and toothpaste;
- If you wear dentures, please bring the necessary accessories (cleaning products, glue);
- Wipes and facecloth;
- Comb;
- Razor;
- Soap;
- Nightgowns or pyjamas;
- Spare clothing;
- Dressing gown;
- Closed slippers.
Upon your discharge, you will be given:
- A detailed medical report of your hospitalisation. It will also be mailed to your attending physician;
- a nurse’s report for the purpose of continuing nursing care;
- medication prescriptions and requests for care, if any;
- appointments for external consultations, as necessary.
Each room features a phone and an internet connection. You will receive your personal code upon your admission (telephone). People wishing to reach you by phone must dial the following number: 02-614-32-.., the two last digits being the two last digits of your room number.
Don’t hesitate to ask for your Internet access code at the admissions service. After working hours, please do not hesitate to contact the reception desk.
Each room features a television set with a remote control that is either in the room or can be requested at the nurses’ office.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Red Cross volunteers make their rounds with reading material, which they lend for free.
Mail is delivered every morning in the rooms. For women: please remember to ask your correspondent to include your maiden name.
You may deposit your mail in the letter box of the reception area. This is also where you can buy stamps.
In the unit, there is a relaxation area featuring a television set where you can entertain visitors.
Please note that smoking is prohibited in the hospital.
At your request, the nurse in charge of your unit can contact a hairdresser and/or pedicure.
- For the hairdresser: a document will be given to you so that you may select the services you want to receive. Payment is made in cash directly to the hairdresser. The hairdresser comes every Tuesday afternoon, except on bank holidays.
- For the pedicure: a nurse books an appointment. Payment for the service is charged to your discharge bill. The pedicure comes every Monday, except on bank holidays.
Meals provided by hospital catering are suited to your specific needs with regard to your hospitalization. The Europe Hospitals accept no responsibility whatsoever in respect of storage, hygiene or quality of food other than that provided by hospital catering. Thank you for your understanding.